Meet Your New Morbid Mavens of Marketing.

Katie Brittle


Creative Director | Executive Officer

Katie Brittle is a creative director, marketing and brand strategist, a photographer/videographer, a podcaster, and a writer. She is also a travel planner and event creator focused on crafting immersive, spooky experiences for her clients. Katie expertly helps clients understand how to use AI efficiently in their marketing strategies.

For nearly a decade, Katie has traveled the U.S. to research haunted attractions, interview oddities collectors and creators, and investigate paranormal locations. Through her efforts, she’s created a wealth of digital content, both audio and visual, to catalog, celebrate, and advertise the stranger parts of the country.

Katie holds a BS in Digital Cinematography from Full Sail University and is in the midst of a MFA program in New Media Journalism.

When the Strategist appears in your reading, you are about to embark on a new and rewarding marketing journey. The Strategist can help you develop a strong plan for efficiency, growth, and financial reward. She can help you identify what tools you already have at your fingertips which may have been hidden from you in the past, and she can guide you to work with others to enhance your marketing position.

Becky Kilimnik


Art Director | Data Analyst

Becky Kilimnik is a graphic designer, front-end web developer, illustrator, infographics designer, marketing research analyst and podcaster. With over twenty-five years experience as a creative professional, Becky has worked for clients large and small, including Yamaha, Hasbro, and Marriott. She is a former professor of web design and graphic design, and now guest lectures for marketing and digital storytelling classes at local universities. Becky also assists clients in understanding the metrics of their marketing efforts and is able to pinpoint which strategies are delivering highest ROI. Becky’s real love, however, is a scary experience. For the past five years, she has created, produced, and marketed a podcast devoted to paranormal storytelling.

Becky holds an MFA in Visual Communication from the School of the Art Institute of Chicago and an MBA in Marketing/Entrepreneurship from Georgia Tech.

When the Visualizer appears in your reading, you are ready to take your branding to a new level. The Visualizer pulls your desires from the ether and converts them into high impact websites, ads, signs, digital content, large scale graphics, and other visual media. She can also monitor your efforts and let you know what channels are performing well. The Visualizer will help your brand garner instant recognition among a growing crowd of admirers.

Diana Doty

Diana Doty


Content Creator | Project Manager

Diana Doty is a writer, speaker, editor, and podcaster. She once dedicated six solid months to ghost tourism across the US. She’s been a spooky entrepreneur since age 6, when she made a haunted house attraction out of empty large appliance crates in her backyard and charged other neighborhood children a nickel to get scared inside it. Since then, she has started multiple businesses and worked with several startups; she can relate to whatever stage you’re at in your own startup.

Diana has fourteen years of experience crafting creative bootstrap and grassroots marketing strategies for startups, and over twenty years experience writing SEO marketing copy. Diana has also worked in haunted entertainment for the past five years as a podcaster. She currently co-hosts, produces, and markets a comedy paranormal podcast, and creates much of the digital content that accompanies the show.

Even as a little kid, Diana couldn’t wait to move to New Orleans; mainly for the ghosts, but also to complete a bachelor’s degree at University of New Orleans.

When the Synthesizer appears in your reading, expect your message to crystallize and achieve synergy with your brand’s voice and image. Like-minded people will begin to find you, vibe with you, and value you. The Synthesizer will help you plant the seed of search-engine friendly authenticity that spreads your message through digital spaces like the invasive vine it was meant to be.

Kristy Lytle

Kristy Lytle


Social Media Content Creator | Events Manager

Kristy Lytle is a writer, editor, and event marketer with a passion for all things scary and strange. Kristy has proofread and edited multiple literary horror anthologies for a variety of publishers, including Dark Regions Press and Books of Horror. She also specializes in writing about haunted locations and paranormal folklore for online publications. A master at event planning and marketing, Kristy has managed (and sold out) multiple community events. She also writes and maintains an email newsletter campaign which has a consistent 70% open rate. 

Kristy has an entire room of her house dedicated to her horror and oddities collection. She’s made a point to know and connect with a variety of artists and writers that have contributed to her collection. 

Kristy holds a BA in Psychology from Auburn, and a Certificate in Proofreading from Edit Republic.

When the Connector appears in your reading, you are ready to convince your potential and existing customers to open their hearts and wallets to you. Financial growth is in your future if you choose to heed the call of the Connector. She is there to delight your audience by creating and enhancing written communication between you and your customers. The Connector can market your events, manage your social media and create high impact newsletters.

Summon Us!